Monday, December 21, 2009

Pausing for Snow

I open the door

And the cat

Usually so anxious for escape


Nose in the wind

Sniffing the unfamiliar whiteness

One paw suspended

She reconsiders


He opens the garage

To a flurry of cold

And a gusty unexpected breath

His black shoes

Become dusted in white

He is surprised

At the deepness he sees

From here

Of drifts piled

Where the door had been

He sets down his briefcase

And fumbles

For the phone in his pocket


She bounces from the window

Across the room

Still in her pajamas

Collared shirt and blue slacks



In every leap

She hollers


That the spelling test

Won’t happen



I close the door

On chills

And shovels scraping

And squeals

About fast rides

Down steep hills

Into the empty street





I make my way

Over piles

Of crumpled hats

Damp mittens

And puddles

Of melted boot tracks

To pull a blanket

Over my lap

And open my book

Almost forgotten


The cat is curled

Beside my feet

While the world


For snow