I moved. I unpacked. I lost my toaster. I bought a new toaster. I found my old toaster.
I left hundreds of books in Virginia because I didn't have space for everything in one moving van.
I accepted 12 chickens from a neighbor in my new town and watched Peter learn how to care for them, gather eggs, chase them around the yard, and throw his arms around me and tell me his life is complete now that he has chickens.
I looked around my new house and thought how strange it is that my ex won't ever see this house.
I went back to Virginia for a court date on September 15th and was granted a permanent protective order.
I killed a spider the size of Vermont who was living in my bathtub. (I have a large bathtub.)
I figured out what my neighbor meant when she asked if I was putting up. me: "Putting up with what?" Pause. her: Putting up fruit? Light goes on. "Oh! Yes! I bottled apricot juice and peaches with my mom!" I didn't tell her this was the first time in my life I'd "put up" anything, and that my peaches looked pathetic.
I enrolled my children in (GASP!) school. First one. Then another. Then another. I went home, sat at the kitchen table and wondered what on earth I had just done.
I ate so many raspberries that I made myself sick. I didn't know that was possible.
I wrote an entire novel in about a week.
I tried to plan a trip to Yellowstone, but remembered the kids were in school and we couldn't go anywhere.
I watched as Naomi walked out the door in the morning, turned and said with a smile, "I have a backpack, a lunchbox, and a locker. I get to ride the bus and go to science class. I feel like a normal kid!" And I wondered if this made me happy or sad.
I watched baby David while Rachel and Mike went to the temple with Mike's younger brother.
I agreed to paint the set for Cinderella before finding out exactly how big the set is and how soon they want it done. (Holy Cow.)
I took Bethany, along with Elizabeth, to the (brand new!) recording studio at BYU and helped her record a couple of songs for her album. We laughed and figured things out and scrunched in a tiny room and worked for hours and hours 'till our brains hurt.
I discovered that I LOVE (as much as I thought I would!) having a fireplace in my bedroom!
I had Joshua's birthday dinner at my house with All My Kids!
I helped my mom cut out pieces for the (insane!) quilt she's making. It's going to be amazing.
I cried when people asked where my husband is, and what I do. I discovered that a single mom is supposed to work. Not just write novels.
I realized we have deep window sills, so we can put candles in the windows for Christmas and I smiled for a week.
I hosted parties for kids from BYU, kids from school, and anyone else who showed up. We've had bonfires, roasted marshmallows, carved pumpkins, watched movies and had a jolly good time.
I watched the sun set, smelled newly mown alfalfa, picked sunflowers, fed apples from our tree to the horses down the road, watched bees get drunk on apricot nectar, discovered grapes growing on the fence, watched the kids play soccer in the backyard, made bouquets of hollyhocks and snapdragons, gathered eggs, picked pumpkins, and wondered...
Is this really my life?
And I thanked God that things can be so wonderful. =)