Saturday, January 28, 2012

Our New Web Site!

It's true!
We have a family web site!

It's still under construction, so you'll see some things not completely put together, but there's enough there that you can have fun looking around.

Check out the pages with links to short movies my kids have made. Or music videos. Or fun facts about us.

Coming soon: Artwork by kids, Paintings by Grandpa, Quilts by Grandma, Music written by Bethany and Josh, photography, and even some short stories! And of course, recommended books. =)

We're excited to share little bits of ourselves with all of you. I hope you enjoy it!



Trina said...

How fun!

Polly said...


Rebecca =) said...

Thank you Trina and Polly! We're still working on getting more cool stuff up! This is just so much fun to put together! =)