Friday, October 10, 2008

Joshua's Birthday and the 70's

He's 16, and tonight is his birthday party.  He's invited 15 people -- both boys and girls.  They've had cookies and ice cream, opened presents, and right now they are outside playing capture the flag.  Several of the boys brought their guitars, and for a while they all sat in front of the house playing and singing together.  Kind of cool.  It's nice that Joshua's friends are also Bethany's friends, so they are having fun together.  And I really appreciate that there is such a good group of kids around.  

Mike has taken to reliving the 70's by watching old television shows on the internet.  I think it's some sort of mid-life crisis.  I'm just waiting for him to walk in the door with platform shoes.  He's watching something called, (I think) "Welcome Back"?  He's shown the kids Sigmund the Sea Monster, Land of the Lost, and the old Batman show.  My kids reaction?  "Did you really watch this stuff?  No wonder Star Wars was such a big hit."   I personally think the 70's were bad enough the first time around, and I'm happy to forget them.  But, as Mike points out, I did wonder at the time why my Dad didn't dress more like Mr. James, my fourth grade teacher.  He (Mr. James, that is) was SO cool.  He had the biggest bell bottoms I'd ever seen, the longest collars, and an afro that my dad-- being white and mostly bald-- could never pull off.  But still, Dad could have tried.  Besides the wardrobe, Mr. James let us watch 3-2-1 Contact ever friday afternoon, and he read us a chapter from a Newbery book every day after lunch.  I thought he was the best thing since Holly Hobby.  

As I type, I have Brigitta, our tail-less, large gray cat sitting on my chest.  (I'm lying on the couch with my laptop propped on my knees so I can see over her.)  She's quite warm, and is purring loudly.  It makes typing a bit difficult, though.  And parents are starting to arrive to pick up their kids.  So I'd better go.

BTW, I highly recommend Evil Genius and the sequel, Genius Squad.  For some reason, they make me want to develop computer hacking skills.  But they are also a lot of fun.

Rebecca  =)


Sadie Crookston said...

I'm pretty sure I just cried laughing while picturing dad like that!! Oh gosh, what I wouldn't give...

Gracewanderer said...

Everything you read in that book about hacking is a lie.

Juliet said...

He (Dad) really seemed to like my sun-exploded shiet, though! =)

Anonymous said...

You got to read Genius Squad?? I saw it at the BYU bookstore and looked at it. Maybe I'll get a chance to read it over Christmas break or during the summer...