Friday, November 7, 2008

A Lot of "Why?"

There are a lot of unusual things our family does, and people often ask "why?"  In case you're wondering, I thought I'd answer a few of them here.

Why do you homeschool your kids?
I started homeschooling for a couple of reasons.  First of all, there was no room for Joshua in second grade at the school near our house, so he was going to be bussed for over an hour (each way) to another school when he was 7.  I was not ok with that.  And then there was Naomi.  She took all my time, energy and attention when school was out, so if I ever wanted to look at my other children, let alone talk to them, it had to be during school hours.  We started homeschooling as a way for my other children have a mother.  And it was So Great!  We loved everyone going at their own pace, having time together, and learning cool stuff as a family, so we continue!  (And, btw, Naomi is doing much better and is now homeschooled, too.)

Why do you eat all-natural food?
Or, around this time of year: Why don't your kids eat Halloween candy? 
A friend of mine (hello Jill!) mentioned a couple of years ago that her son had a better, more cheerful attitude when he didn't eat certain artificial food colors, flavors and preservatives.  I just couldn't help thinking, "I wonder if my son would be more cheerful on that diet, too."  So we tried it.  And guess what?  It wasn't just my son, and it wasn't just a small difference.   We do eat candy, but it's all-natural.  And life around here is much happier!

Why don't you have a television?
Yes, it's true.  No television.  We lived overseas for so long where there either was no TV, or the shows were WAY beyond the Super Bowl wardrobe malfunctions, that we just got used to it.  When we returned to the states we saw no reason to pick up an expensive, time-wasting habit.  We do play a lot of card games, board games and read a lot of books.

Why are you Mormon?
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints because I believe that God is still alive and well, and that he talks to living prophets on the Earth today just as he did in the Old Testament and New Testament times.  I believe He loves all the people on the Earth, and so gives His word to everyone, including the Jews and others who wrote the Bible, the people in America who wrote the Book of Mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ), and people today.  And I believe that He intends marriages and families to last forever, not just "till death do we part."  =)

Why did you adopt?
We felt like it was the right thing to do.  (think of a lightning bolt with a post-it-note stuck on the end that says, "Thou Shalt Adopt!")  We felt like there were two specific children somewhere in the world who were supposed to be in our family, and so we set out to find them.  
Why is your house such a mess?
Ok, nobody has actually asked me this.  But I'm sure any of you who have been to my house are wondering.  Let me see... we have 6 kids, we homeschool, Mike and I both have church callings, and if I get a spare moment, I write.

Why do you write?
Because it's a challenge.  Because there are so many good stories to tell.  Because I love words and the idea that an experience can be shared by people all over the world, through different times, by lines printed on a page.  And because I hope, in some small way, someone's life will be better because of something I've written.

Rebecca  =)


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks. I wish I had some cool answers I could answer about me and my family but I can't think of any. Thanks again for posting this.

Anonymous said...

BY the way, add my blog to your family list. It's It's a private blog but I sent you an invite to view it. Love you.