Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A funny moment in the Watson house

Bethany just finished reading Twelfth Night and came upstairs very happy.  She sat on the couch and smiled and buried her face with happiness in the quilt I sat under.  I asked how it was and she said, "good."  I asked if everyone ended up with the right person and she said, "yes."

Then Peter said, "Wait a minute.  Didn't we do Twelfth Night?"

Bethany held out the HTT shirt she was wearing that said Twelfth Night in large white letters.

Peter said, "Isn't that by Shakespeare?"  We said "yes", and he said, "I didn't know we did Shakespeare!"

Bethany said, "We didn't.  You weren't in it.  I was."

Peter said, "Oh.  Who were you?"


Peter just gave her a look and said, "That's not helpful.  Just tell me who played Romeo."


Anonymous said...


Kawbie said...

Ha! That's a great story. --Karen

Rachel said...

Hahahahaha!!! I love our family!!! :)