Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Happy Happy =)

Christmas is over.  It was SO nice!  Rachel and Elizabeth were here and I loved having them home.  They left today to go back to school, and although I will miss them, to was so nice to have them home that I am still feeling all happy inside.  =)

I'm writing, by the way, during a party at my house.  I'm not usually a recluse, but since I am not a teen, I feel confident that they don't mind the fact that I'm ignoring them as completely as possible.  Their stories of unreturned love via text messages, being nervous at Christmas recitals, and rounds of giggles from the girls when the boys tell lame jokes all leave me feeling grateful for an escape into cyber space.  They have retreated into the basement, so I am left with a little piece of quiet.  As I write, the candle Rachel gave me for Christmas is burning on the table beside me.  It's a Salt City Sugar Cookie candle, and it smells delicious.  I keep thinking I should go find whatever is smelling so good and eat it, but then I remember it's my candle.

One of the things I got for Christmas was... (drum roll please)... a camera!  Woo Hoo!  I am so excited!  It arrived in the mail yesterday, and I've been playing around, trying to figure it out.  You'll notice (I hope) a couple of new photos on my side bar.  Yes, they are from my new camera.  As are the pictures of Rachel's roses in the new slide show at the bottom of this page.  Which reminds me!

Rachel and Elizabeth both had dates for the New Year's Eve dance!  They dressed up in formal dresses, did their hair in amazing and lovely styles, and were out all night.  The dance was at the Marriot Center in DC, and when they got home the next morning they both looked happy and exhausted.  At least I think they did.  I had been trying to sleep on the couch (to see them when they came in, not because of Mike) and hadn't gotten much more sleep than they had.  Rachel's date brought her a dozen roses, and I took several pictures of them.  You can enjoy them, minus the lovely scent, at the bottom of this page.

Yesterday, before the camera came in the mail (darn it all), we all went to the National Cathedral.  It is amazing.  Rachel decided to have her bridal pictures taken there, which I think is a wonderful idea.  Now all she needs is the right guy.  (No, he has not entered the picture yet, who ever he is.)  We used Rachel's camera and took tons of pictures, which I will post here if I get around to it.  If you are in the area, and have not been to the Cathedral before, I highly recommend it.  Bring a camera.

We got one large family gift this year.  I have had such a hard time not talking about this one!  Every time I called Rachel or Elizabeth, every time my kids discussed gifts, or traveling, I just about burst at the seams with excitement.  

We had opened all the gifts under the tree and the kids were wandering off into the kitchen or up to their rooms, when I pointed out to Peter the box beside the couch in the family room.  "What's in that box, Peter?"  He opened it and said, "More presents!"  There was one for each of us.  Bethany found a travel diary and a miniature beach chair, towel and shells.  Joshua found a book on pirates.  Peter got a book about the making of the Panama Canal, and Naomi found a book on wild animals in Panama.  Rachel and Elizabeth each got travel books on Panama.  Mike got David McCullough's book The Path Between the Seas on CD.  

Rachel was the first to figure out what was going on.  She looked around and said, "Do you all know what this is?"  Everyone else just stared at her.  Then Elizabeth squealed and ran to hug me while the other kids said, "huh?"  I pulled out an envelope at the bottom of the box with our confirmation for flights to Panama at the end of April!  Woo Hoo!  We are leaving the country!   Vacation!  Escape!  I am so excited!  (Can you tell?) 

And now... I have a question.  How do you decide what to make as New Year's resolutions?  Or do you even make them at all?  

I do.  Every year I resolve, basically, to become perfect in the coming year.  My resolutions this year include writing every week day, loosing weight, attending the temple monthly (almost made it last year!), and being a wonderful, amazing and incredible wife, mom and homeschool teacher.    ...Well, ok...   I break those last three down into slightly more manageable pieces, but you get the idea.  Usually my husband writes down everyone's goals in the family, and then brings them out from time to time during the year to ask how we're all doing.  It's very helpful and only slightly annoying.  

So.  Do you have any goals for this year?  Anything new you hope to accomplish or become?  Do you write them down, tell someone, or keep them to yourself?  And how about last year's goals?  Do you remember what they were?  

Ok, Mike is home with Peter and Naomi, so I'd better go work on that wonderful wife and mother bit.  

Happy New Year!          


Gracewanderer said...

I don't make new years resolutions because I think it's silly to wait until the end of the year to set goals. If there's something you want to improve on, start NOW, not next January.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, I usually set one goal that I know I will be able to attain. I don't tell people, I kind of like to keep it to myslef. But I think as my family gets older it would be fun to set goals as a family.

And so much fun! Panama, you guys will have so much fun. Jelous!

Anonymous said...

I'm still happy too! :)

And excited to go to Panama!!!

Hooray! :)


First of all - I am so releaved Rachel didn't really get her bridals taken. I was worried I had missed some big news! Second - good luck with the resolutions. I, too, have a few goals that I share with Brad. I usually make them pretty manageable so I feel I have succeeded . . .
And third - that makeup case from my blog has more info here:
Hope you're doing well! Enjoy the trip. That will be great.