Saturday, July 19, 2008

Clearing the Cobwebs, or Carnage in the Kitchen

We have, as some of you may know, 3 cats, a dog, and two beta fish.  (Oh!  I should include the link to the Saving Lizzy Fish Preview!  Check the bottom of the blog for the added link.  It's cool!)  But recently, a new creature has come to live in our kitchen window.  It's a spider, and since I don't want to open the kitchen window and remove the glass between myself and it (serious arachniphobia), and from the outside there is a screen in the way, it is still there.  And it is collecting a food storage of june bugs.

When we first moved here I thought june bugs were cockroaches, and I was totally grossed out by them.  They flew in our front door in the summer!  Who ever heard of cockroaches flying in your front door by the dozens?  Ugh.  I set traps, I cleaned everything like you would not believe, I gagged and squashed them, and still they were here.  Then one of Bethany's friends stood on our front porch one night and said, "Hey, look! A june bug!"  I stared at her.  "What did you call it?"  "A june bug."  "They're not cockroaches?"  She just looked at me like I was nuts.  I didn't grow up here, ok?  We don't have bugs like this in Minnesota!  

So, now I know what they are.  But they are still gross.  And the eight-legged creature in our kitchen window is killing, devouring and storing them.  Ugh!  Really ugh!  It makes me shudder.  But still, I can't get up the courage to open the kitchen window and deal with the whole situation.  I am such a wimp.

The other cobwebs I'm dealing with are the mental type.  My brian feels So fuzzy lately.  It's like I've been drugged.  But I can't think of who would be doing that.  (Any confessions?)  But really, my eyes are fuzzy, my thoughts are fuzzy, I feel like I am struggling to stay awake, my limbs are weak, and I forget everything.  I was also craving berries.  So I bought several of those larger containers of blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. There are no raspberries available in the area.  They are my favorite.  I ate and ate berries, and for a few days my head cleared.  Isn't that weird?  What on earth would there be in berries that would do that?  I don't think it's the antioxidants.  I don't think my brain gets rusty that fast.  But maybe I'm wrong.  

Anyway, now we're out of berries again, and my mental cobwebs are coming back.  Perhaps I should go get some more.  

Some things I've found, besides berries, that help various things are:

-Drinking at least one small bottle of Vitamin Water a day helps me not feel like I'm bout to pass out, and to not see stars.

-Taking a fish oil a day along with a good multivitamin helps me not get sick.  When I stop taking them regularly I get the next passing round of the flu or nasty cold.

-Exercising helps me feel more awake and happy.

-Reading scriptures daily helps me not be a wicked witch, and to make good choices.

-Limiting how much white bread and sugar I eat helps me not be so sleepy.

-Practicing Yoga Nidra as I'm falling asleep helps me sleep better and feel more awake in the morning.

-Stretching daily, especially my back, helps me not to hurt all over.

-Spending a little bit of time daily in the sun helps me be happy and awake.

Now the real questions are... Aren't these all things everyone should just be doing all the time?  and what would possess me to ever not do them? 

Yes.  and I don't know.

Today, BTW, is Rachel's 20th birthday!  

Happy Birthday Rachel! 

We're about to go to the park.  (Exercise and sunshine, both.  I already read my scriptures today and I'll take a vitamin and a fish oil before we go.)

-Rebecca Pi
Book recommendation of the day: Wildwood Dancing, by Juliet Marillier.  Five adventurous sisters... Four dark creatures... Three magical gifts... Two forbidden lovers... One enchanted frog...  Magic, daring, betrayal, and true love.  It's a fun read, although not the best written book I've ever read, the story is so fun it makes up for it. 

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