Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

Mike and I spoke in church today on service.  Something I've thought a lot about recently.  

Why is it so hard to receive service?  Even if, or especially when, we really need it?  Is that simply pride?  The church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) says people should do work in exchange for goods or services received, in order to preserve dignity.  So, if someone brings food to our door, and we have not done anything to repay them, how do we preserve our dignity?    

If charity is the pure love of Christ (see Moroni 7), then is accepting food donations the equivalent of accepting the pure love of Christ?  Is saying "no thank you" to help, saying "no thank you" to the pure love of Christ?

Is there a time when it is inappropriate to accept help?  Or appropriate to say, "no thank you"?

On a different note, Mike's Grandma Watson (Lillian) died on Friday.  She was 95, and I think she must be very happy to have moved on.  As Josh said, Grandpa Watson is probably happy, too. =)  Services are on Saturday.  Mike is going to Utah for the funeral.

And on a third note, we are watching a 10 year old boy for the next two weeks while his mom in in Germany.  He's a very nice, polite young man who has Asperger's, loves Pokemon, and loves to talk.  He does his list of "jobs" (including playing a math game on the computer, practicing handwriting, and exercising for 1/2 hour) very quickly in the morning so he can play his DS for an hour.  

We're about to have Family Home Evening, including a lesson by Peter and a card game chosen by Mom.  I think we'll play Fluxx or Chrononauts.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Rebecca Pi  =)    

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