Monday, August 25, 2008

A little bit of good news!

When we were in the car this afternoon, Elizabeth asked if I'd seen the mail yet today.  I said I hadn't, and she said I had a letter.  I asked if it was a real letter or a rejection letter, and she said a rejection letter.  "Some day I'm going to get something that's not a rejection letter," I said.  And off we went to Costco to pick up boxes for the girls to mail their stuff. 

In case you're wondering, rejection letters are easy to spot.  They are written in my own handwriting, and the envelopes have been folded in thirds and then unfolded again.  In this business of writing, not only do you ask for rejection, you pay the postage on it yourself.

So this evening I went to find my letter to log it into my computer where I keep track of where things are.  But...

It wasn't a rejection letter!  It was from Dutton Children's Books, requesting the first three chapters of The Other Side of Jacob's Peak!  I had previously sent a brief query letter describing the book and my writing credentials.  And they would like to see more!  How kind of them!  How happy for me!  If nothing else, my query letter must have been well-written enough that they are willing to look at more.  They must have very good taste.

A small step.  But it is really very nice to open an envelope and find something other than a rejection letter!

Rebecca  =)
whose day, previous to this letter, was really not going so well-- but things are looking up!  


Kawbie said...

Congratulations, Rebecca!! --Karen

JaNae said...

Yahoo! Can't wait to hear the ending of this story!

Anonymous said...

One day all those people who printed out rejection letters to you will regret it... :)

Sadie Crookston said...

First of all, amen to what Elizabeth said! Second, congrats!!! My little Rebecca, all grown up and selling books!!!