Thursday, August 14, 2008

What we've been up to...

I haven't had time on the computer lately-- other than first thing in the morning, when I write and do not allow myself to access the internet, lest I be sucked into something unforeseen and not find my way back to my manuscripts for several hours-- because life has been too busy.

Our basement flooded.  Again.  And the smell from it has been knocking us out for a few days.  We finally emptied Everything out of the storage room (no small task.  Thank you children!) and found moldy dry wall behind food storage buckets and the shoe shelf.  Ugh.  Joshua cut off the offending dry wall pieces, and we have the dehumidifier, the mega-air purifier, and a big fan running 24/7.  I think we need to scrub everything down with bleach, then seal the walls and windows-- but I'm not sure that will be enough.  This has apparently been happening with every major rain storm since the house was built in the 70's. 

While the kids were emptying the basement, I took Naomi to the doctor.  She haas not ben feeling well lately, and a few days ago she fainted.  I decided we ought to at least attempt to figure out what's going on.  (See my previous post titled What DO they do? for my thoughts on doctors lately.  No offense intended, doctor friends and relatives.)  Our Doctor said he doesn't think it's dehydration, (my thought) and he ordered some blood work (mono, lead, CBC and so on) and recommended visits to a cardiologist (heart problems?) and neurologist (petit mal seisures?)  I'll keep you posted.  I still think its just dehydration, possibly some low blood sugar, since she fainted first thing in the morning right after getting out of bed.  

I've been trying to print some query letters, among other things, but our printer is out for the count.  There must needs be opposition in all things.  (2 Nephi 2:11)  Every time Rachel tries to get her Sunday School lessons together, something happens to make it difficult, if not impossible.  Last weekend she tried to print the lesson, and the printer gave up the ghost.  

Thanks to our friend Jill (hi Jill!), we have info on a cool homeschool writing contest.  I am SO excited!  The prizes are to have your writing reviewed and critiqued by well-known authors, including Lois Lowry.  Very cool.  The kids are all working on things to submit.  And since there is a homeschool parent's category, I am, too!  =)

Mike has been working 15 hour days lately, and he just got home.  I'm so surprised to see him!  I think I'll go ask how his day was.  

Rebecca  =)  

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